Cortex offers a wide variety of out-of-the-box integrations compatible with Scorecard rules. Sometimes, a Scorecard may have multiple integration queries with different endpoints, each with its own rate limits. While we strive to manage these rate limits efficiently, please keep the following points in mind regarding rule failures and third-party integrations:
Are errors logged in the UI?
Yes, any errors will be displayed alongside the rule for the relevant entity in the UI.
Are rules related to the errors retried?
If we encounter a rate limit error, we will retry the rule for most integrations. This process occurs up to five times with a backoff period between attempts. If the rule fails after five retries, the last recorded score will be used.
How are scores affected by missing values due to API rate limiting?
If all retries are still affected by rate limit errors, we will use the last known score for the rule. This also applies to 5xx errors from upstream APIs and any unexpected errors from the Cortex side. If a new rule fails without a previous score, the rule will fail and display a 429 error.
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