The Bird’s Eye report provides you with insight into how your services are performing, presenting scorecard data as a heat map. This report can be broken down into teams, groups, and rules, and is designed to be hierarchy-aware, making it easy to navigate the data.
You can find the Bird's Eye by going to Reports under Scorecards in the navigation bar.
Then, select one of the available scorecards.
Services or resources will be represented as rows in the Bird's Eye report. The Score and Score Percentage will be the first two columns, followed by a column for each scorecard rule.
You can sort by score, percentage, or rule to see which rules are failing broadly, so you know where to focus efforts.
By default, the Bird's Eye report is grouped by service, but you can Group by group, team, owner, and level. The report will update to reflect your Group by selection.
For example, when you Group by team, the report will replace Score and Score Percentage with the Service Count and Average Score for each team. The pass/fail for each rule will be replaced by the percent of services that are passing a rule.
When you Group by team, you also gain the ability to switch into hierarchy view by toggling Use Team Hierarchy. This will roll teams into the hierarchy that you've set up in Cortex.
You can navigate the report by clicking through the departments and teams.
If one of your team owns other teams, the Bird’s Eye report will indicate which services are owned directly by the parent team, and which are assigned to the children. For example, the VP Engineering Team exists within the Engineering Department. VP Engineering Team's children are the Backend Team, Frontend Team, and SRE Team. When you navigate to VP Engineering Team in hierarchy view, you can see how all four teams are performing.
Hierarchy will stay turned on as you click through the report. At any level, you can toggle off hierarchy view, and the report will display teams again.
If you click into a team, the report will return to a service-level view where you can get an in-depth look at how individual services are performing.
Breadcrumbs and filters
The breadcrumbs at the top of the page preserve your path, making it easy and intuitive to traverse the data. As you navigate through the report, you can continue to refine your view by grouping.
Each time you go further into the report, your action is appended to the breadcrumbs, just like a filter.
The Bird’s Eye report also has a filter function, which is helpful when you know exactly what you’re looking for. The same options for grouping exist as filters, so you have two different ways to navigate this report at any time.
When you don’t have specific data to pull, the breadcrumbs allow for a natural way to explore the data. The breadcrumbs can also be useful when you’re sharing your reports, so others can see exactly how you achieved this view.
If you’re using levels in your scorecards, you can toggle the report to display levels instead of rules. In service view, this will display the level each service has achieved. When you begin grouping, the report will aggregate services, and will present the number of services that have achieved a specific level.
You can click into any of these cells (for example, the 4 services with No Level that belong to VP Engineering) to learn more.
Sharing reports
You can export your Bird’s Eye report at any point by selecting CSV or Share. Generating a link through the Share function is the recommended method for sharing a report with others. The pre-configured link will display your report with the full breadcrumb trail. This not only gives others the same insights and understanding, but also provides an opportunity for team members to explore the data further on their own.
The Bird’s Eye report is a great way to not only get a high-level understanding of performance, but offers a natural way to continue digging and learning about your services.
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